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Now showing items 97-116 of 303
Factors affecting employee innovative behavior in for-profit health care organizations
(Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies, 2012-03)This study identifies factors that predict employee innovative behavior in forprofit health care organizations in a developing country (Philippines). It also provides suggestions for enhancing innovative behavior for-profit ... -
Factors affecting employee retention in nonprofit organizations
(Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies, 2011-02)This study identifies factors that affect employee retention in nonprofit organizations. It also provides suggestions for improving retention conditions to nonprofit managers and administrators. Using structural equation ... -
Factors affecting human resource information system performance in business organizations as perceived by employees
(Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies, 2014-09)A review of related literature has revealed that there are still unanswered questions concerning Human Resource Information System (HIRS) and its performance factors. Prior research finding have revealed that HRIS performance ... -
Factors associated with job satisfaction of secondary school teachers in East Indonesia Union Conference, Indonesia
(Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies, 2003-03)This study investigated factors related to job satisfaction of secondary school teachers in East Indonesia Union Conference of SDA, Indonesia. Specifically, the study was designed to identify the level of teachers' ... -
Factors associated with student clinical learning in the Adventist baccalaureate programs in the Philippines
(Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies, 1996-03)The purpose of the sludy was to provide nursing administrators and educators with suggestions for enhancing student clinical learning in the hospital setting. The variables and structure of this study were supported ... -
Factors driving personal accountability in non-government organizations : an exploratory factor analysis
(Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies, 2023-07)The factors driving personal accountability in the non-governmental organization (NGO) sector remain largely understudied, scanty, and unexplained. Furthermore, the questions on what are the variables of personal accountability ... -
Factors influencing audit committee independence
(Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies, 2018-10)While the consequences of audit committee independence may be widely known in accounting literature, its antecedents are not yet clearly understood, especially in the African context. This has led to poorly implemented ... -
Factors influencing employee voice behavior : a predictive model
(Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies, 2015-10)Organizations need employees’ participation through voice behavior in terms of sharing information, opinions, and generating valuable ideas in their workplaces. This constructive voice behavior increases organizational ... -
Factors influencing employees' commitment in healthcare organizations
(Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies, 2015-03)The employees’ commitment is still an important aspect for the human resource management in organizations. It is, however, a challenge to be aware of the factors that enhance commitment among employees, especially in ... -
Factors influencing employees' commitment in healthcare organizations
(Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies, 2015-03)The employees' commitment is still an important aspect for the human resource management in organizations. It is, however, a challenge to be aware of the factors that enhance commitment among employees, especially in ... -
Factors influencing the effectiveness of community health education
(Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies, 2016-02)Unhealthy lifestyles lead to many kinds of chronic diseases, but positive behavior change to healthy lifestyles may reduce the risk of chronic diseases. It is necessary that health professionals conduct health education ... -
Factors influencing the implementation of competence-based curriculum in Rwanda
(Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies, 2019-07)Competence-based curriculum (CBC) is a curriculum that aimed to develop the skills, abilities, and competences of students from their previous experiences. Originated from the United States, CBC was later extended to other ... -
Faithfulness in the book of Revelation : it's identification and significance
(Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies, 2012-06)Among the πίζηηο word-group, the adjective πηζηόο, “faithful” predominantly occurs in the book of Revelation. This word describes Jesus, the words of the prophecy, and the saints. In the case of the noun πίζηηο occurring ... -
Folk religion among Karen in Thailand
(Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies, 2003-08)The Karen people are the largest ethnic minority group in Thailand. Most Karen follow their traditional rellgion, which involves appeasing and propitiating many different kinds of spirits. The Seventh-day Adventist ... -
Foundations of spiritual leadership development : a course for ministerial students at Central Philippine Adventist College
(Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies, 2004-09)A godly character is the foundation of spiritual leadership. After all, leadership effectiveness is most influenced by being not doing. It follows that the early stages of leadership development should mostly deal ... -
A Framework of entrepreneurial competencies: a case study of Cameroon
(Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies, 2020-10)Entrepreneurship impacts the economy of a country significantly by generating SMEs (small and medium enterprises). Since SMEs are the backbone of economic development and growth, governments worldwide, including Cameroon, ... -
The Function of analogy to interpret the biblical records of the person and works of God : a hermeneutical and methodological approach
(Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies, 2019-03)The doctrine of God has been one of the most controversial topics in theology over the last two decades. The right way to interpret the language used in the Bible to describe God’s being and attributes is at the center ... -
The Function of the Mosaic water drinking ordeal of Num 5:11-31
(Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies, 2010-06)pertaining to its origin, composition, nature, and purpose. The current study deals with the last issue, that is, the purpose of the ordeal of Num 5:11-31. The study addresses the issue through the cognitive social function ... -
Hapax legomena conjunction combinations in the book of Hebrews : a linguistic and exegetical study
(Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies, 2016-01)This study examines the linguistic function of the hapax legomena conjunction combinations (καθώσπερ καὶ [5:4], εἰ καὶ οὕτως [6:9], επειτα δὲ καὶ [7:2], καὶ ὧδε μὲν . . . ἐκεῖ δὲ [7:8], oθεν καὶ [7:25], καὶ εἰ μὲν [11:15], ... -
Herbert E. Douglass' understanding of the identity and character of the last generation in the light of Ellen G. White's writings : a comparative study
(Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies, 2014-01)This study seeks to find out the commonalities and differences between the last generation concept of Ellen G. White and that of Herbert E. Douglass. A section is devoted to trace the historical development of the last ...