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Now showing items 1-20 of 303
Christianity encounters Filipino spirit-world beliefs : a case study
(Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies, 1990-05)In varying degrees, Filipino Christians are caught in a three-way confrontation of spirit-world views. The three views are the Western-inspired rationalistic understanding of the supernatural, the nonrationalistic Filipino ... -
Toward a strategy for Seventh-day Adventists to evangelize apartment dwellers in urban areas of Taiwan : a case study
(Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies, 1995-07)The growing urbanization of Taiwan has created a need for new evangelization strategies that are fresh and relevant to the contemporary scene. This dissertation explores strategies for Seventh-day Adventists to evangelize ... -
Factors associated with student clinical learning in the Adventist baccalaureate programs in the Philippines
(Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies, 1996-03)The purpose of the sludy was to provide nursing administrators and educators with suggestions for enhancing student clinical learning in the hospital setting. The variables and structure of this study were supported ... -
Missiological approach to Russian Koreans in Sakhalin : a Korean Seventh-day Adventist perspective
(Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies, 1996-03)Following the collapse of Communism in the former Soviet Union and the new amendment to Russia's Religious Freedom Act in 1990, political barriers to the Christian mission vanished. With the crumbling of those barriers, ... -
Predictors of organizational culture and climate in selected senior colleges of the Asia-Pacific Division of Seventh-day Adventists
(Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies, 1996-03)The purpose of this study was to specify areas to improve organizational culture and climate of Seventh-day Adventist (SDA) institutions of higher education in the Asia-Pacific Division (APD). The results may serve as ... -
Principals' communication effectiveness as perceived by Adventist academy teachers in the Southeast Asia Union Mission
(Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies, 1996-05)The guiding problem of this study was "How might principals be helped in improving their comrnunication skills?" This involved the adaption of an appropriate instrument for measuring communication effectiveness of ... -
The Divine father concept in the Old Testament
(Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies, 1996-09)The biblical significance and implications of the divine Father concept are explored in this study, through an exegetical investigation of the texts of the Hebrew Bible in which the term occurs. The purpose of this ... -
The Unpardonable sin as contrasted with unlimited forgiveness in the context of the life experience
(Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies, 1996-11)Forgiveness must be regarded as one of the most profound and essentlal of all human needs, because all human beings are sinners. Forgiveness transcends human understanding. The approach of this study to the topic ... -
The meaning of light in Genesis 1:3
(Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies, 1997-02) -
Toward a wholistic strategy to reach the Ethiopian Orthodox people with the Seventh-day Adventist message : a case study
(Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies, 1997-05)The case study addresses the issue of how to reach the Ethiopian Orthodox people in suburban/urban areas with the Seventh-day Adventist message. The main purpose of this study is to develop a workable strategy to reach ... -
The divinity and the personality of the Holy Spirit in the writings of Ellen G. White
(Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies, 1997-05)This study explores the historical development and theological understanding of the divinity and the personality of the Holy Spirit, as presented in the writings of Ellen Gould White, a prominent pioneer of the ... -
Latter-day Saints and Seventh-day Adventist concepts of the nature of Christ : a comparative study
(Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies, 1997-06)Both Latter-day Saints and Seventh-day Adventist believe in Jesus Christ. The Latter-day Saints teach that Jesus Christ is the central figure of the church's doctrine and the seventh-day Adventists also express their ... -
Ted Peters's proleptic theory of the creation of humankind in God's image : critical evaluation
(Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies, 1998-10)The purpose of this study is to describe, analyze, and evaluate Ted Peters's proleptic theory of the creation of humankind in God's image. To achieve this purpose, after the introduction, the study first reviews in ... -
Predictors of spiritual maturity in selected bachelor of science in nursing programs in the Philippines : a cross-sectional survey of students and teachers
(Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies, 1998-10)The purpose guiding this study was to determine predictors of spiritual maturity in nursing students and teachers in selected bachelor of science programs in Manila, Philippines. This study may contribute to a ... -
Effects of a motivational program on staff nurses' perceptions of the importance of updating knowledge in a West Indonesian context
(Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies, 1999-03)The problem adressed in this study was that many staff nurses fail to keep updated on nursing knowledge and skills. The purpose guidinq this study was to determine the effects of a motivational program on attitude ... -
Student perception of school climate associated with faith maturity in private sectarian, private nonsectarian, and public high schools in Metro Manila
(Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies, 1999-12)This study examined school climate and faith maturity as perceived by high school students in Metro Manila, Philippines. Theory and prior research had suggested that a significant relationship might exist between school ... -
The Identification of the baker and other related terms in Hosea 6:11b-7:10
(Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies, 2000-01)The ldentification of the baker and other related terms help in the understanding of the history of the northern kingdom. This research presents how the social evils and the religious idolatry of the northern kingdom ... -
Sin, grace, free will, and salvation : four major classical views and an alternative
(Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies, 2000-02)This research seeks to clarify the relationship between God's grace and. human free will in salvation. To achieve this goal, it investigates and evaluates four major classical theories concerning sin and the respective ... -
Development of a Twelve-step procedure for church planting in North Korea
(Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies, 2000-02)This project is designed to help the Korean Union Conference (KUC) prepare and implement a church planting strategy for North Korea (NK). Chapter 1 contains the introduction. Chapter 2 explores the procedures and methods ... -
Job satisfiers and dissatisfiers among the employees of the Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies (AIIAS) : an analysis
(Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies, 2000-06)The purpose of this study was to determine the ranks of motivational and hygiene factors as indicators of job satisfaction and dissatisfaction among employees of AIIAS as perceived and desired. The study also attempted ...