Now showing items 1-10 of 72
Consequences of ethical climates configurations
(Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies, 2018-05)
The relationship between ethical climate and negative work outcomes such as employee turnover remains largely understudied and mostly unexplained. Furthermore, the question on whether ethical climate configurations can ...
A Descriptive case study of the implementation of a work-embedded doctoral program using professional development small groups
(Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies, 2016-02)
One of the main challenges for the professional development programs is the
assurance that the participants will transfer what they have learned from the workshop to
the workplace. In professional development outside of ...
The Culture of successful administrative professionals : an ethnographic case study
(Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies, 2015-01)
Behind every successful executive is an efficient and competent administrative
professional. The administrative professionals are the unsung heroes in the workplace.
Their effort is oftentimes hardly seen, but these ...
Perceptions of High School Science and Social Studies teachers on writing as a learning strategy : a case study
(Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies, 2012-03)
Writing is a skill that is required of every literate individual; however, it has been found in the United States that high school graduates are not ready for college writing and many employees are unable to meet work ...
Factors influencing audit committee independence
(Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies, 2018-10)
While the consequences of audit committee independence may be widely known
in accounting literature, its antecedents are not yet clearly understood, especially in the
African context. This has led to poorly implemented ...
Current practices of school, family, and community partnerships in Adventist schools : a basis for a proposed program
(Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies, 2015-02)
The importance of a partnership of the school and the family has been described
in the literature of Adventist education as early as the 19th century and since then in a
wealth of research reports. Adventist private ...
Non-native English speaker teachers' English proficiency, teaching methodology, and students' performance
(Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies, 2012-06)
This quasi-experimental study investigated 2 teacher-related factors affecting student performance on an English proficiency test over a 10-week period: non-native English speaker teachers’ English proficiency and teaching ...
Influence of investor behaviour on investment performance
(Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies, 2018-07)
Investors in the financial markets are expected to act rationally in their investment decisions as postulated by the efficient market hypothesis. This expectation of rational investor behaviour, however, does not always ...
Children's implicit leadership theories in middle childhood
(Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies, 2014-05)
Given the lack of perceived importance of the initial experiences in childhood as a solid
base for leadership effectiveness in adulthood, this exploratory study was designed to
describe the content, differences in, and ...
Spiritual intelligence, workplace climate, and empowerment of teachers in higher education
(Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies, 2017-09)
Empowered teachers are at the core of educational effectiveness at all levels
especially at the instructional level. In the educational context, empowerment is
understood as the “process whereby school participants develop ...