Browsing Biblical Studies by Title
Now showing items 25-44 of 58
The Last Adam as "a life-giving spirit" in 1 Corinthians 15:42-49
(Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies, 2015-02)In light of the conflicting views regarding the background, interpretation, and the time when the last Adam became a life-giving spirit, one objective of this study was to show that the OT, rather than any other historical ... -
A Linguistic and exegetical investigation of tote in the New Testament
(Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies, 2014-06)The understanding of discourse markers, more than before, is nowadays considered as an important part of language studies. Discourse markers play important roles in the communication system as they coordinate the meaning ... -
Malachi's use of Joel's "day of the Lord" : an inner-biblical allusion study
(Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies, 2022-01)The Day of the Lord texts of Malachi (3:2, 7; 4:5) seem to allude to Joel’s Day of the Lord (2:11, 13; 3:4). However, the interpretive significance of Joel’s Day of the Lord in Malachi has not been investigated comprehensively ... -
Malachi's use of Joel's "day of the Lord" : an inner-biblical allusion study
(Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies, 2022-01)The Day of the Lord texts of Malachi (3:2, 7; 4:5) seem to allude to Joel’s Day of the Lord (2:11, 13; 3:4). However, the interpretive significance of Joel’s Day of the Lord in Malachi has not been investigated comprehensively ... -
The Meaning of Gymnos in 2 Corinthians 5:3 and its theological implication
(Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies, 2012-10)The image of γπκλόο, "naked" in 2 Cor 5:3 has been understood in anthropological way to refer to the state of the human being between death and resurrection. In this view, the disembodied person survives death either ... -
The Meaning of Jesus' EPXOMAI 'coming' statements in Revelation 2 and 3
(Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies, 2014-09)Scholars are divided as to whether Christ's tpyopa{ statements in Rev 2:5,16. and, 3:11 refer to personal judgments, or to Christ's literal second advent at the end of the eschaton. For {pyopa( to represent personal ... -
The Meaning of katharisas to loutro tou hydatos en remati in Ephesians 5:26 : an exegetical study
(Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies, 2016-02)There are four ways in which the phrase ―θαζαξίζαο ηῷ ινπηξῷ ηνῦ ὕδαηνο ἐλ ῥήκαηη‖ has been interpreted by several scholars. These are the following: (1) baptism imagery, (2) redemption imagery, (3) cleansing by the Word, ... -
The meaning of light in Genesis 1:3
(Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies, 1997-02) -
The Meaning of Maholah/Mahol in the Old Testament
(Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies, 2013-10)Open FlipBook to read abstract -
Metaphors of forgiveness in the book of Isaiah
(Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies, 2019-05)The Book of Isaiah offers a variety of metaphors for forgiveness. Biblical scholars have taken into consideration these different metaphors; however, they do not evidence the methodological procedure in their analysis. ... -
Miracles and testimony in relation to faith in the gospel of John : a study in the text and its contexts
(Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies, 2012-02)It is not easy to describe the relationships between miracles and faith in the Gospel of John. On the one hand, the Gospel emphasizes the extraordinary nature of miraculous signs and their importance for believing in ... -
A Model for effective ministerial program in the Philippines and Ghana Union Conferences : a multiple case study
(Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies, 2021-05)The global Seventh-day Adventist Church mission to bring the everlasting gospel to all the world and to reach the level of every audience is an arduous task. This mission requires a great amount of knowledge and skill ... -
The morphological and syntactical irregularities in the Book of Revelation
(Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies, 2013-12)This dissertation explores the barbarisms and solecisms in the book of Revelation. These grammatical irregularities have been tackled by previous scholars from 2 perspectives: the author’s Semitic background and the Greek ... -
Paradox and passivity : gaps as a rhetorical device in Genesis 22:1-19
(Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies, 2019-05)The difficulties of the narrative of Gen 22:1-19 comprises paradox and passivity. These difficulties elicit interpretative issues with the characters of the narrative. The text had been approached using different ... -
The PAROKET motif of the tabernacle and its importance for the atonement : an exegetical-thematic study
(Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies, 2015-02)This study aims to illuminate the פָּרכֶֹת motif of the tabernacle and its importance for the atonement system. The method chosen for the study is an exegetical-thematic analysis of the פָּרכֶֹת texts of Exodus and ... -
The Pauline concept of new covenant and its ecclesiological implications in light of the expression Diakonus Kaines Diathekes in 2 Corinthians 3:6
(Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies, 2015-08)The aim of this dissertation is to highlight the exegetical and ecclesiological implications of the expression minister of the new covenant in 2 Cor 3:6 as the exegetical and linguistic key for the understanding of the ... -
Rebuking the innocent : challenge-riposte exchange in Luke 13:10-17
(Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies, 2019-11)Many studies have explored the dispute between Jesus and the synagogue ruler over the Sabbath healing of a bent woman in Luke 13:10–17 from form and redaction criticism, feminist/liberationist criticism, compositional ... -
The Role of women in Johannine literature : an exegetical study
(Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies, 2014-01)The role of women in Johannine literature appears to be unique in a number of ways. Firstly, in the Gospel of John, there is a different presentation accorded to women in comparison to the Synoptics. John gives a lengthy ... -
Sapiential echoes of the newness motif in 2 Corinthians 5:11-21
(Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies, 2019-10)This dissertation examines the newness motif in 2 Cor 5:11-21 by taking into consideration some sapiential notions in the text. Most studies on this subject limit their interpretation of the passage to the newness terminology ... -
Significance of Hesed in the covenant context : an exegetical-thematic study on the book of Ruth
(Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies, 2015-01)