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dc.contributor.authorKavinywa, Kasereka
dc.descriptionUnpublished Project (DMin) Shelf Location: BV4466 .K38 2001 ATDCen_US
dc.description.abstractFrom their ancestor's time, Pygmies have experienced hardship. Their life is characterized by physical, economlcal, socio-political, and spiritual crises. Since 1981, North Congo Mission (NCM) has attempted to minister to the Pygmies. Unfortunately, it appears lhat the NCM did not attain its desired goals. The book of Nehemiah reports that the post-exilic Jewish community also experienced great distress and dlsgrace. In minlstering to them, Nehemiah was effective. At the end of his ministry the precarious conditions of the people were now replaced by honor and celebration. This study describes and compares the contexts of the ministries to distressed people: by Nehemiah to the post-exilic Jews, and by the NCM to the pygmies. Research affirms that splritual and leadership qualitles are important factors contributing to the success of ministry to distressed people. A proposal for an approach to minister to pygmies is suggested in the study. The statement of its philosophy affirms that the most effective way of helping the poor is to enable them to help themselves. By effecting their own change, Pygmies will be empowered to shift from dependency to self-reliance. The strategy to effect empowerment requires that Pygmies express their felt needs, determine their own solutions, be encouraged to he financially self-sufficient, implement their own proqrams, and be trained for local leadership. Through the process of participation and community organization, leadership can be developed. This will foster self-reliance and wise management of local resources. This is true empowerment.en_US
dc.publisherAdventist International Institute of Advanced Studiesen_US
dc.subjectBible. -- Nehemiah.en_US
dc.subjectChurch work with refugees.en_US
dc.titleA Comparative study of ministries to distressed peoples : Nehemiah to post-exilic Jews and North Congo Mission to Pygmiesen_US

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