Biblical Studies
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A comparative study of the concept of judgment in the theology of John Wesley and James White
(Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies, 2004-03)There seems to be not much discussion in Adventist literature comparing James White's concept of the judgment with that of John Wesley. This-study attempts to compare their views. The main question that this paper addresses ... -
The meaning of light in Genesis 1:3
(Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies, 1997-02) -
Toward a biblical theology of homosexuality : Old Testament contributions
(Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies, 2021-11)The two primary objectives of this research are (a) to solve several interpretive problems presented by various OT interpreters over prohibition texts and their challenging passages, which seem to discuss homosexuality ... -
Malachi's use of Joel's "day of the Lord" : an inner-biblical allusion study
(Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies, 2022-01)The Day of the Lord texts of Malachi (3:2, 7; 4:5) seem to allude to Joel’s Day of the Lord (2:11, 13; 3:4). However, the interpretive significance of Joel’s Day of the Lord in Malachi has not been investigated comprehensively ... -
A Study of the Hebrew and Aramaic clauses alluding to temple defilement in Daniel
(Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies, 2020-12)This dissertation is a study undertaken to explore 44 selected Hebrew and Aramaic clauses that allude to temple defilement in the book of Daniel. Chapter 1 is introductory. Chapter 2 is focused on the exegesis of the ... -
A Model for effective ministerial program in the Philippines and Ghana Union Conferences : a multiple case study
(Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies, 2021-05)The global Seventh-day Adventist Church mission to bring the everlasting gospel to all the world and to reach the level of every audience is an arduous task. This mission requires a great amount of knowledge and skill ... -
The PAROKET motif of the tabernacle and its importance for the atonement : an exegetical-thematic study
(Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies, 2015-02)This study aims to illuminate the פָּרכֶֹת motif of the tabernacle and its importance for the atonement system. The method chosen for the study is an exegetical-thematic analysis of the פָּרכֶֹת texts of Exodus and ... -
The Eschatological time of trouble of Daniel 12:1 : an intertextual analysis and theological implications
(Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies, 2014-09)Although scholars are in a consensus to see the presence of the time of tribulation provided in Dan 12:1, they have various interpretations on the historical settings of the time of trouble in its historical stage. There ... -
Burial rituals of Jacob and Joseph in the Hebrew Bible : its historical and theological implications
(Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies, 2018-01)The Hebrew Bible (Gen 49:29-50: 14; 22-26; Exod 13: 17-22; Josh 24:29-33) records the burial rituals of Jacob and Joseph. Studies regarding Jacob and Joseph have focused mainly on their roles as patriarchs of faith. For ... -
Inauguration or Day of Atonement : the cleansing of the heavenly things in Hebrews 9:23
(Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies, 2019-02) -
Tsaraat and its regulation of purification according to Leviticus 13 and 14
(Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies, 2019-12)Leviticus 13-14 record a legislation, namely, the צָרַעַת regulation, which deals with the affliction of tsaraat. Tsaraat has been called the “Father of Uncleanness” and is traditionally associated with personal sin. ... -
Rebuking the innocent : challenge-riposte exchange in Luke 13:10-17
(Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies, 2019-11)Many studies have explored the dispute between Jesus and the synagogue ruler over the Sabbath healing of a bent woman in Luke 13:10–17 from form and redaction criticism, feminist/liberationist criticism, compositional ... -
Malachi's use of Joel's "day of the Lord" : an inner-biblical allusion study
(Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies, 2022-01)The Day of the Lord texts of Malachi (3:2, 7; 4:5) seem to allude to Joel’s Day of the Lord (2:11, 13; 3:4). However, the interpretive significance of Joel’s Day of the Lord in Malachi has not been investigated comprehensively ... -
The Temple scene in Revelation 7:9-17 : location and temporality
(Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies, 2019-06)This thesis attempts to identify the location and the time of the temple service in Rev 7:15. The text contains a textual problem which causes a difficulty in determining the spatial and the temporal loci of the scene. ... -
A Linguistic and exegetical investigation of tote in the New Testament
(Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies, 2014-06)The understanding of discourse markers, more than before, is nowadays considered as an important part of language studies. Discourse markers play important roles in the communication system as they coordinate the meaning ... -
The Trisagion in Isaiah 6:3 : a theological and exegetical study
(Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies, 2014-06)Many studies have explored the theme of holiness, particularly in relation to God. While there are many passages in the Bible that contribute to the theology of God's holiness, the trisagion in Isa 6:3 is a unique text. ... -
The Significance of the inanna/ishtar myths to Revelation 17 : a comparative approach
(Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies, 2019-10)Three explanations have been offered to clarify the identity of the abyssal beast in Rev 17. The Vorlage text approach leads scholars to conclude that the sea beast in Rev 13:1 is the same with the abyssal beast in Rev ... -
Metaphors of forgiveness in the book of Isaiah
(Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies, 2019-05)The Book of Isaiah offers a variety of metaphors for forgiveness. Biblical scholars have taken into consideration these different metaphors; however, they do not evidence the methodological procedure in their analysis. ... -
Evaluation of the historical, prophetical, and historico-prophetical approaches to Revelation 2 and 3
(Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies, 2016-03)Scholars diverge widely in the interpretation of Revelation in general and Rev 2 and 3 in particular. Three approaches to Rev 2 and 3 stand out: the historical, the prophetical, and the historico-prophetical. The historical ... -
Clothing imageries of salvation in the book of Isaiah : an exegetical study
(Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies, 2020-10)have interpreted each text on clothing in the book, a comprehensive examination of the usage of clothing imageries and how they communicate the salvation of YHWH is yet to be realized. This dissertation seeks to fill ...